Old Irish Bnb News http://www.oldirishbb.comhttps://www.oldirishbb.com/modules/news.htm?rssfeed=1 Tue, 23 Apr 2024 23:11:12 +0100 FeedCreator 1.7.2 The rise of Agri and Farm tourism http://www.oldirishbb.comhttps://www.oldirishbb.com/modules/news.htm?newsId=30004 <span style="font-size: 12pt;">A whole lot has happened to this tiny blue marble we call Earth this year.&nbsp;&nbsp;No one was ready for COVID-19, for sure!&nbsp; It just descended upon us and sat there claiming control of our lives and would not leave!</span><br /><br /><span style="font-size: 12pt;">Things have changed beyond our health fears.&nbsp;Our overall perspectives have been altered.&nbsp; Things that had to be perfectly done one way or another to be right; well, they just are no longer as important.<br /><br />We have entered a time of simpler, easier, and safer.&nbsp; Downhome on the farm, a place where distancing is natural and fact, it is just good common social sense.&nbsp; &nbsp;A place where the havoc melts&nbsp;away to fresher and easier.&nbsp; &nbsp;Where there are animals that like you to be with them, one of their way of living.<br /><br />It's places like this that are setting the new normal and feeling romantic and intimate!&nbsp;<br /><br />Welcome to the new world of Agra Tourism!<br /><br /><br /><img class="img-responsive" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://bnbwebsites.s3.amazonaws.com/4916/79494431_l_1_1_1000x400.jpg" alt="" width="1000" height="400" /><br /></span> Test http://www.oldirishbb.comhttps://www.oldirishbb.com/modules/news.htm?newsId=8097